About Us

(Hey Captain! This post is also available in: Engels.)

Think of this as a blog full of cool places and nice things do and see on and around the canals of Amsterdam. We’ll also write about our adventures in and around the city, give advice where to drop your anchor, what not to miss and how to rent a boat.
Become a captain for a day, just because you can!  A boat is a bridge to old and new friends. The unique city of Amsterdam is best seen from the water.

For boat owners (to be) you’ll read how to own a boat and how to keep it afloat. Where to get your supplies and where to park it.

Ahoy Amsterdam is run by Alvaro and Tjalling.

Alvaro de Salvo is a full blood Argentinian Gaucho, who moved from Buenos Aires to Amsterdam and conquered the canals of Amsterdam and the surrounding lakes on the Malbec. A tough 1972 flytour which was completely restorated by the captain himself. Alvaro knows the canals and especially all the surrounding bars nowadays better than most Locals. He loves sailing like his father does and probably sooner or later you will find a blog on Ahoy about where you have to sail to get the best steak Cause, blood is ticker than water! Alvaro also writes for Tedx Amsterdam works for Akvo.org as a Communications executive.

Tjalling Halbertsma, a dutchy and half blood Frisian, his name doesn’t lie. As the dutch say ‘the apple doesn’t drop far from the tree‘. Tjalling was sailing before he was talking. After sailing several years to destinations on 7 continents, also on yachts, but mostly on the Bark Europa, a 3-masted tall ship. Tjalling dropped his anchor in Amsterdam. With roots that ground better in water he is refurbishing his houseboat (a 1924 barge). On his days off he either sails around the canals in his bright orange speedboat that doesn’t speed! Or on a blue ex-lifeboat which he refurbished with 2 friends. When posts are written in “Van Gaal” English it’ll probably Tjalling.

Favourite bar: De Ceuvel a little oasis across the IJ in North Amsterdam  

Favourite canal: Taking visitors over to unique and quite places in the city center of Amsterdam like Groenburgwal and the Houttuinen.

Anchor spot:  On sunny afternoon somewhere after the 3rd bend in the Amstel for a swim, Gin and Tonics and a bbq.

Get in touch with us!

If you have a place to recommend or want to share your story, please get in touch.