
Roest, Amsterdam’s city beach

Roest is Amsterdam’s city beach. And it feels a bit like being in Berlin:  Young crowd. Hip beauties. A place with vibrant vibes and where pretensions are thrown overboard.

Located at an industrial area involving an old steel factory and warehouses it has multiple different spots making it a very versatile and original urban oasis.

The bar interior is one of its kind as well. Outside, you can find a couch, a hammock or a picnic bench and relax on the magnificent sand beach. If overheated, why not making use of the rope to jump into the water and cool down.

The most noteworthy thing?

Roest has always surprising initiatives and exciting concepts making it an interesting melting pot to enjoy  film, theater, festival and DJs.

At a glance

Captain’s delight: mainly beers al fresco.
Best time to drop by: all day long. Its just great. 
Docking facilities: Great ones. Plenty of space to dock.

More about Roest?
Jacob Bontiusplaats 1,1018 PL (East)
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